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Stripped: Loyalist Women Writers of the American Revolution (under review)


“Women Left Behind: Grace Growden Galloway's Empire of Self” in Women and the Formation of Empire. Eds. Mary Balkun and Susan Imbaratto. (2015) 


"Paper Bodies: Letters and Letter-Writing in the Early American Novel" at Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (2015).


"What is a Female Loyalist?Common-Place. 13.4 (2013). 


"Filial Piety in Constantius and Pulchera." Part of "Just Teach One" on Common-Place (2013)


Review: Letters and Cultural Transformations in the United States, 1760 – 1860.” Early American Literature. 47.1 (2012).


Eliza Lucas Pinckney as Cultural Broker: Reconsidering a South Carolinian Legacy.” Southern Studies. 18.2 (2011). 49 - 65. 239 - 42.


The Epistolary Salon: Examining Eighteenth-Century American Letter-Writing as a Vehicle for Female Political Engagement.” 3 (2011) Literature of the Early American Republic. 62 – 80. (Published in Journal of the Year 2011)





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